EXCLUSIVE LTO UPDATE with Rick (CEO) & Arnold (Lead Techie). LTO is the trust layer for every business application. Easy, scalable & GDPR compliant. ...
An increasing number of business are choosing to organize in structures not traditional seen in for-profit business.They offer opportunities for them to blur ...
New hybrid businessSalon owner Jennifer Sheriff renovated a historic home on W. Colorado Ave and created a space to house eight stylists, but also brought in ...
Nonprofits and the Hybrid BusinessMr. Kyle Caldwell talks about the balance between mission and the business model in nonprofit ...
Business ModelsThe Uniqueness of a Hybrid Business Model.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNajmsgXiCgVideo can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: The ...
Your company wants to run applications where they make the most sense for the business. Whether they're on bare metal servers, on virtual machines, on private ...
Blockchains Businesses In this episode of All About Apps series we tried to dispel common myths about the Blockchain technology and find out how to apply it ...
What is the blockchain? If you don't know, you should; if you do, chances are you still need some clarification on how it actually works. Don Tapscott is here ...
What is a blockchain and how do they work? I'll explain why blockchains are so special in simple and plain English! ...
Blockchain technology isn't just for cryptocurrencies. Reporter Michael del Castillo looks at how some companies are using it to transform how they do ...